Lectures of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM) offers a fundamental introduction to the topic of fluid mechanics in the form of various lectures, practical courses and seminars for students of mechanical engineering and the International Department. Additional courses include advanced theoretical consideration of flow phenomena as well as the treatment of applied questions from engineering practice.
Major Field Fluid Mechanics
You can specialize in fluid dynamics in the Master's study within the major field SP 41:
- Major Field Fluid Mechanics - Campus system
- Major Field Fluid Mechanics - Module handbook
- Major field presentation
Theses and HiWi jobs
We are always looking for motivated and interested students who would like to do their final thesis with us or are looking for a HiWi job. Please contact Erik Hansen for initiative applications for a HiWi job and general questions related to this.
A detailed overview of current theses and HiWi jobs can be found at