
Marco Raiola and Jochen Kriegseis in the ISTM wind tunnelISTM
Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

We welcome Dr. Marco Raiola to the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM) of KIT. Marco will join the ISTM for a total of 15 months until the end of 2026 as part of a Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers. Marco, who is currently associate professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, will focus on experimental fluid mechanics and data-driven modelling of flows.

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Faculty Teaching Award for "Introduction to Numerical Fluid Mechanics"

The bachelor course 'Introduction to Numerical Fluid Mechanics' (available only in German language) receives the KIT Faculty Teaching Award 2024 for outstanding teaching.


This course covers a wide range of topics, from solution procedure theories and visualization methods to specialized areas such as laminar and turbulent flow, multiphase flow, and heat transfer. A main focus is on the practical application of these topics by learning the entire process of flow simulations – starting from preparation to execution and analysis – with an emphasis on research and engineering sciences.


You can join the course for the current summer semester 2024 on the ILIAS platform here. The first organizational office hour will take place on April 16 at 2:00 PM (Building 10.23, 6th floor, Room 609 + Zoom).

Courses at ISTM

Fluid Mechanics: exam on 16.08.2024, 13.30 – 16:30

Mathematical Methods in Fluid Mechanics: exam on 24.09.24, 15:00 – 18:00

Einführung in die Numerische Strömungsmechanik: exam on 20.08.24, 08:00 – 09:30


Further detailed information of the upcoming exams can be found in their respective Ilias courses.


Warning: in SS 2024, the course Mathematical Methods in Fluid Mechanics will be offered in English only. Exercise sessions will be held in both English and German as usual.

A lecture in the sky: how students become aviators

The student group Akaflieg and the ISTM offer a joint lecture that combines research-oriented studying and practical experience. Not only does the course "Aerodynamik" introduce students to the practical aspects of flying, but it also offers them the opportunity to have a test flight on a glider.

Read more on Clickit-Magazin or watch the video

New block event: Dynamik instationärer Strömungen - Modellierung und Steuerung industrieller Prozesse

The new block event "Dynamik instationärer Strömungen - Modellierung und Steuerung industrieller Prozesse" will take place starting from August 5th. The course is ideal for students who want to gain deeper insights into flow processes in the field of automotive/aerodynamics and the process industry. To attend, please register at the secretary's office!

ICE2023: Poster Presentation Award

Wiebke Schrader recieved the 2nd best poster presentation award during the International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE2023) in Sun City, South Afrika. Wiebke presented her recent work on "Multi-objective adjoint optimization tool for electro-chemical systems applied to membrane-less electrolyzer", which has been carried out in collaboration with IAM-ET within the BMBF-funded "ETOS" cluster.

Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

We welcome Dr. Patricia Sújar-Garrido to KIT. She will conduct research at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM) for a total of 18 months until the end of 2025 as part of a Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers. Patricia Sújar-Garrido, who holds an affiliation at KTH Stockholm, focuses on experimental fluid mechanics.

We are looking for a HiWi

as a tutor for the Laborpraktikum Strömungsmesstechnik. More info

Additive Fertigung im ISTM Strömungslabor

Das ISTM Strömungslabor verfügt seit 2021 über einen präzisions SLA 3D Drucker, der die Forschenden bei der Durchführung von Windkanal Experimenten unterstützt und die Herstellung von komplexen Oberflächen erleichtert. Mehr Infos im Artikel von Formlabs.

10 years ISTM

ISTM celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022 with its current and former employees.

aerobuster Foto: Markus Breig, KIT

KIT researchers develop inexpensive, powerful device to remove pathogens from room air and inactivate them.
